SeaCare - Caring For You Naturally

SeaCare - Caring For You Naturally
The ingredients used in Sea Care include, Sea Cucumber, Sea Urchin, Sea Sponge, Sea Grass and Water. These are specially blended together and then snap frozen to keep the immune boosting elements fresh for your body to harness. 
The results described are not typical and will vary based on a variety of factors.
This dietary supplement is intended to boost your immune system so your body can fight off ailments. We will contact you on purchase to instruct you on how best to take Sea Care... remember it is a longer term solution, not a quick fix. 
WE RECOMMEND COMMITTING TO TAKING SEA CARE FOR ONE FULL MONTH TO START SEEING THE BENEFITS. That said, please know it takes committing to Sea Care for 3 months to truly see the amazing benefits. 
Dosing Instructions: 
Someone with no problems but just wanting the added benefit of feeling healthier and boosting their immune system should take one per day. If you are dealing with a serious illness, we recommend 2 units per day - one in the morning and one at night. 
$ 875.00